Learn the uncommon approach followed by leading Netsuite enterprises

Prolecto by the numbers

years in business
global customers
client-ready code modules

How To Selectively Download NetSuite Cabinet Files

Learn how to download NetSuite file cabinet files that are referenced from Saved Search.

Connect NetSuite to Amazon S3 with No Third Party Services

Learn how you can easily connect NetSuite to Amazon’s S3 File system without on-going recurring charges.

Learn How To Attach and Detach NetSuite Custom Records via SuiteScript

Get the SuiteScript 2.0 code pattern to attach or detach custom records.

Determine Potential Buildable NetSuite Assemblies

Get a NetSuite tool to calculate the total number of potential assembly quantities based on available sub-components.

Trusted By

Prolecto Labs

Code modules are complete and functional pieces of code that effectively address real-world client challenges. Prolecto provides this code free of charge to our clients, and it can be easily extended and customized to fit your specific needs.


Meet the Leadership Team

Marty Zigman

Founder & President

Meet Marty ⟶

David Mish

Practice Leader, Large Projects

Meet David ⟶

Meir Bulman

Practice Leader, Accounting

Meet Meir ⟶

Hector Cardenas

Practice Leader, Inventory

Meet Hector ⟶

Chidi Okwudire

Practice Manager, Technology

Meet Chidi ⟶